
Celluloid Moving Image Works:

(Single Channel)

Ghosttown (2019) 17 minutes, sound

Figments in Film (2019), sound

Conjuror's Box (2013) 4.5 minutes, 35mm, silent

Ebb & Flow (2010) 6 minutes, Super 8, stereo sound

Legerdemain (2010) 7 minutes, sound

Coming Attractions (2009) 2 min., 16mm, silent

Spectrology (2009) 11 min. 16mm, sound

Phantogram (2009) 9.5 minutes, 16mm, silent

Muse of Cinema (2006), 20 minutes, 35mm, stereo sound

Orbit (2006) 8 minutes 16mm, Kodachrome, hand-made sound

Torchlight Tango (2005) 20 min. 16mm, sound

Terra Firma (2005) 7 minutes, 35mm, silent

Transfixed (2005) 7 min. 16mm, sound

Out of the Ether (2003) 11 min. 16mm, sound

Black Bile (2002) 5 min. 16mm, silent

Journey Into the Unknown (2002) 5 min. 16mm, sound

Hallowed (2002) 11 min. 16mm, sound

The Adventure Parade (2000) 5 min. 16mm, silent

Awake, but Dreaming (2000) 8 min. 16mm, sound

Conquered (2000) 14 min. 16mm, sound

The Escapades of Madame X (2000) 11 min. 16mm- Collaboration w/Isabel Reichert, sound

Uncle Ernie's Home Movie (2000) 15 min. 16mm, sound

Highway 101 (1998) 5 min. 16mm, silent

The Wood Nymphs (1998) 5 min. 16mm, silent

Retrospectroscope (1997) 5 min. 16mm, silent

Secure the Shadow… "Ere the Substance Fade (1997) 8 min. 16mm, sound

Test (1997) 3 min. 16 mm, sound

Tidalwave (1992) 4 min. 16mm, silent

Stag Party Movie (1991) 13 min. 16mm, sound

Procession (1989) 12 minutes, 8mm, silent

Victrola (1988) 4 minutes, 8mm silent


Moving Image


Expanded Cinema





